Stephen Hackett Shares Over 1,500 Screenshots of Every Mac OS Release Since 2000 | Mac

Relay FM co-founder Stephen Hackett today shared an extensive collection of for every major of the Mac operating system in the past 18 years, over which time its name has changed from Mac OS X to OS X to macOS.

The library of over 1,500 screenshots is available on Hackett’s blog 512 Pixels, providing a look back at the visual history of Mac OS X Cheetah in 2000 through macOS High Sierra in 2017. Hackett plans to update the library for every major release of macOS going forward, including Mojave in the next couple of months.

Hackett says he ran every macOS release on actual hardware, including various models of the Power Mac G4, Mac mini, and MacBook Pro, capturing screenshots of major features and other elements he felt were important over the years.

The screenshots show the evolution of the Mac’s visual theme Aqua, ranging from gloss and pinstripes in the early days, to brushed metal and corinthian leather during the skeuomorphic days, to the flatter, translucent look of today. Highlights are available in a related blog post on 512 Pixels.

Hackett says he put an extraordinary amount of time into the collection, which is certainly worth checking out for a trip down memory lane.
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