How to Use Your Xbox One Controller with a Windows 10 PC | Tips & Tricks

Sometimes while you’re gaming, you don’t want to use the mouse and keyboard. But you can certainly connect your Xbox One to 10.

When it comes to gaming on your Windows 10 PC, a keyboard and mouse is typically best for FPS where you’re competing with other people. The mouse and keyboard is far more responsive and precise. But sometimes you might want to use your Xbox One controller – especially for a casual single player game. This allows you to kick back and relax in your office chair while enjoying some free time. Here is a look at how to connect your Xbox One wireless controller with Windows 10 via Bluetooth.

Connect Xbox One Controller with Windows 10

To connect your Xbox One controller, first, make it discoverable. To do that you just need to hold down the “bind button” for three seconds. That is the small button on the front of the controller.

Pres and hold the bind button on the front of the controller for three seconds to make it discoverable via Bluetooth. ~ Image courtesy Microsoft

Next, on your Windows 10 PC, head to and make sure the Bluetooth switch is turned on. Then select “Add Bluetooth or other device” at the top of the Settings screen.

On the next screen, click “Everything else” from the menu and wait a moment while your controller is discovered. If that doesn’t work, you might want to try the Bluetooth option for mice and keyboards instead. It’s what I had to do to get my desktop to find the controller.

Choose Type of Bluetooth Device

Click on your Xbox controller when it appears on the list after it’s discovered.

Then you will need to wait a moment while Windows 10 configures your controller. Your PC will pop up notifications while your controller is being paired and set up.

That’s it! Now you can start playing your video games on your PC with your Xbox One wireless controller. It makes for a great experience when you’re playing the game on your laptop as you typically don’t have a mouse when using it anyway. Plus, just like you can record and share gameplay on Xbox One console, you can record it on your PC as well using the Xbox Game DVR on Windows 10.

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