Black Ops 4 PC and Xbox One Blackout Battle Royale Beta Dates Revealed | Gaming News

Activision and Treyarch have now revealed the planned beta test dates for Call of Duty: Ops 4‘s battle royale mode. Pre-order holders on both platforms will have access to the beta starting September 14 with a tentative start time of 10:00 am PT. An open beta on PC will follow on September 15 through but no Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 open beta has been confirmed for Xbox One.

A short teaser video for the Blackout beta confirmed that it will feature Solo, Duo, and Quad modes, much like the PlayStation 4 battle royale beta that was announced last week. But otherwise much remains to be revealed about the event, never mind the mode itself. The beta’s length is likely of particular interest to potential players, though it can likely be assumed to run from September 14 to 17 much like Call of Duty: Black Ops 4‘s prior multiplayer betas.

The PlayStation 4 beta for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4‘s Blackout mode is still scheduled to run a week earlier than the Xbox One and PC betas, starting September 10. As Call of Duty fans are likely familiar, this is due to the ongoing partnership between Activision and Sony for the Call of Duty franchise.

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout beta test will be the game’s third overall beta event for the upcoming multiplayer-exclusive shooter. There have been two prior beta tests, one that was PlayStation 4 exclusive and a second for all platforms. These tests focused entirely on the more standard multiplayer modes of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

The beta for Blackout, the Call of Duty franchise’s first foray into the increasingly popular battle royale genre, has the potential to be even more popular than the standard multiplayer beta. The hype surrounding Activision’s teasers for Blackout has certainly been apparent. Now Treyarch just has to show the game mode and watch excitedly as mid-September approaches.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 releases on October 12 for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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