5 Amazing Assets for Music Videos That Rock | How To

Turn your music
video all the way up to 11 with great resources to help make it look
professional, expensive and impressive. Here are five of our favourites from Envato Elements
to get you started in style.
1. Audio Visualizer
Even if you’re not
making a music video, this is cute enough to download just to watch the little
guys bopping to the music. Driven by your
music track, the animations react – just add your audio, logo and colours.
The Versatile Grunge Trailer for Adobe After Effects has two
versions, including one where you can create custom scenes, making it perfect
for a wide range of music videos.
3. Music Logo
Music Logo is vibrant and stylish, with hints of MTV. Just
add your text and choose your colours to get a funky logo, perfect for kicking
your video off to a great start.
Glitchy and cool, this opener for After Effects manages to
somehow feel both retro with its muted, matt colours, and modern: combining fast-paced
transitions with geometric shape and design.
5. IndieFest
A good font can often be overlooked when putting together a
video. IndieFest is a font in the style of a marker pen: chunky and rounded. It
fits perfectly with indie style music, or music festival productions.
Each asset here is
from Envato
Elements, where you can download
unlimited resources for a monthly subscription.
Tuts+ Tips
- You
can make great videos with a DSLR camera, you don’t necessarily need a
dedicated film camera or camcorder. - Plan
plan plan. If there’s a narrative then write it out, but even if you’re just
filming a static band then you still need to plan out who’ll do what, when and
where. - Film
the same thing over and over, from different angles. If you’re lip-synching then
remember to bring something to play the song on. - If you’re
filming outside, choosing
the right time(s) of day could make all the difference to your lighting. - Can’t
afford a crowd? Need to include things you don’t have access to? It’s not cheating
to use stock footage.
More Great Video Resources
As a filmmaker, you know how important it is to get your lighting right, but this can only really come from a good understanding of how light works. Knowing…
Upgrade your skills and learn some storyboard terms, new camera shots, scene types, and ways to transition between scenes. Let’s draw!!
Give your videos a professional feel by learning to blend audio seamlessly in your Final Cut Pro projects.
Following a subject along is a popular way to use a gimbal, but you can also use it to make static, boring shots come alive.