Kim Dotcom Warns Of Looming US Dollar Implosion | Crpto

Entrepreneur and MegaUpload creator Kim Dotcom has repeated his belief in Bitcoin over fiat currency, telling fans directly to “buy cryptocurrency.”
Dotcom: Crash ‘Is Coming 100 Percent’
In a series of tweets August 12, Dotcom, whose Bitcache project incorporates a Bitcoin wallet, warned over US national debt and the need to avoid the dollar.
“Trust me. Buy crypto and gold. Your USD will become worthless. With US economic collapse all old money currencies will crash,” he wrote.
Times will get tough. But you’ll be fine if you hedge some of your assets in preparation for the crash.
That “crash,” he forecast, “is coming 100%.”
Trust me. Buy crypto and gold. Your USD will become worthless. With US economic collapse all old money currencies will crash.
Times will get tough. But you’ll be fine if you hedge some of your assets in preparation for the crash.
The big crash is coming 100%.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) August 12, 2018
ICO Rumored For September
Dotcom’s comments came as a new tax bill added 20 percent to the US government deficit and the country’s national debt surpasses $21.3 trillion.
Having often published opinions on US government monetary policy, Dotcom is set to embark on an ICO for his content-sharing platform, which includes the Bitcoin-friendly Bitcache, in September.
The project has faced multiple delays since its original announcement, Dotcom continually attempting to pacify users eager to get a window into the finished product.
“As a perfectionist I take my time because I do things properly,” he wrote July 30.
You won’t be disappointed. We plan to initiate our offering in September and allow early registration soon.
The entrepreneur has also courted controversy in the cryptocurrency space. In November last year, his apparent endorsement of altcoin Bitcoin Cash led to votes of no confidence from online commentators, and Dotcom has not appeared to return to his support since.
Last week, Bitcoin Cash proponent Roger Ver, CEO of, simultaneously announced a protocol to allow ICO tokens to launch on the Bitcoin Cash network.
In a video introduction to Wormhole Cash, Ver also hinted might perform an ICO of its own.
What do you think about Kim Dotcom’s stance on the US dollar? Let us know in the comments below!
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