PSA Reminds Patients to Take Charge of Medication Safety | Branding

In recent years, the rise of opioid misuse has become an increasing threat to the health and of Ohioans. According to statistics from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), 63% of Ohioans who died from an unintentional overdose had a prescription for a controlled substance within the past year.

In an effort to decrease the misuse and abuse of pain pills, ODH, along with several other state agencies and licensing boards, partnered with Origo to develop Take Ohio, a public awareness campaign designed to educate prescribers and the general public about safe medication and pain management practices. The purpose of the campaign is to empower Ohioans to take charge of medication safety and prevent the misuse of opioids by getting educated on safe ways to manage pain. As part of the campaign, Origo developed a microsite where individuals can access information, resources, and tips on medication safety and pain management options.

Take Charge Ohio PSA

Early in the campaign, it was identified that a lack of patient education is a large contributing factor to the opioid epidemic, as many patients may assume that pain pills are the only way to effectively manage pain and don’t understand the risks involved. To address this issue, Origo was tasked with developing a video and radio spots as part of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that would educate patients and prescribers on the importance of having a conversation about safe pain management.

Messaging and Strategy

Rather than using fear tactics to drive our message, we wanted to inspire prescribers and patients to take action to prevent the misuse of opioids before it becomes a problem. Specifically, we wanted to encourage patients to talk to their doctor about pain management options and safe practices before accepting pain pills.

The Take Charge Ohio PSA, titled “Talk To Your Doctor,” focuses on the perspective of Mr. Davis, a male in his early 30s, who recently injured his shoulder. During the visit, the physician is shown assessing Mr. Davis’s risk of addiction before suggesting pain medication as an option. When his doctor finally does discuss the option of using pain medication, the tone of the spot takes a more serious tone as we hear Mr. Davis’s internal monologue as he questions whether or not pain pills are the right option for him. At the end of the spot, the doctor interrupts his racing thoughts as she poses the question: “Mr. Davis, are you comfortable being prescribed pain medication?” Soon after, a voice over cuts in, encouraging the general public to visit the Take Charge Ohio website to learn more about how to talk to prescribers about safe pain management.

Radio Spots

To complement the PSA,:15 and :30 radio commercials were also created and will run statewide.

To access the full campaign and to learn more about safe medication practices, please visit the Take Charge Ohio website.

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