New Media Campaign Reminds Ohioans to Get Set Before They Bet | Branding
As gambling continues to gain prominence in Ohio, primarily due to the addition of 11 new casinos/racinos, it is been identified that problem gambling is becoming a larger statewide issue. State agency partner Ohio for Responsible Gambling (ORG) attributes this to a potential lack of awareness of the consequences related to problem gambling, as well as a lack of knowledge regarding the resources available to educate and help individuals, families, and the community.
To address this issue, ORG has partnered with Origo over three years to help implement and manage a new awareness campaign, “Get Set Before You Bet” (originally “Be the 95%”), designed to advocate the importance of responsible gambling practices and to connect audiences to resources available to educate and assist with problem gambling education, prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Now in March of 2018, Origo is excited to launch a new TV and radio public service announcement (PSA) with the goal to generate new buzz around our mission during Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM), which is an annual grassroots effort to increase public awareness around the issue of problem gambling, as well as advocate the availability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services within the state.
For this year’s television spot for our campaign, we introduce a character named Todd, a gambler who is able to live the “calm and cool life” by getting set before he bets, which means spending time with family, paying his bills, and taking the online quiz to gauge his risk of problem gambling. Because Todd is a responsible gambler, little phases him, as illustrated in his daily interactions at work, in the home, and with his family and friends. See the TV campaign below.
To complement the TV commercial, :15 and :30 radio commercials were also created and will run statewide, in addition to another set of :15 and :30 radio commercials created to target college basketball enthusiasts prior to and during the upcoming March Madness and conference tournaments. Listen below.
After developing the broadcast campaign, we created outreach tactics to spread our message across Ohio. To do so, we developed social media posts and digital ads, aligning the visuals and messaging with the new commercials, with the goal to direct individuals to the campaign website where they can take the responsible gambling quiz and learn more about how to get set before you bet.
Origo is proud to be a part of such an important and life-changing initiative. To learn more about the the full campaign, please visit the campaign website,