At Disrupt, Hans Tung and Yi Wang will talk about the startup road winding from China to the US | AI

Few investors have as deep a knowledge of the U.S. and Chinese markets as Hans Tung.

For over a decade the prodigious investor (now with GGV Capital) has been racking up the miles on flights between San Francisco, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Beijing and New York in search of startups that can span the Pacific divide as readily as he does.

Over time, that’s led to a portfolio that includes Sino-American sweetheart deals in companies like the multi-billion-dollar retailer, Wish; the recently acquired social media sensation; and the Shanghai social and recommendation service Xiaohongshu; along with U.S.-centric investments like OfferUp and Poshmark.

Onstage at , Tung will be joined by Yi Wang, the founder of the artificial intelligence-powered education Chinese education dynamo, LingoChamp (Liulishuo), to discuss the technologies and techniques that continue to power a cross-border technology revolution even in tumultuous times.

There could be no better pairing to lead us along the path that winds from the glass and steel campuses of Silicon Valley to the glass and steel office towers of Beijing’s technology parks.

Join us to hear how artificial intelligence is drawing investment dollars on both sides of the Pacific, and how companies are bridging the political divide with compelling new technologies.

It’s sure to be one helluva conversation.

The full agenda is here. You can purchase tickets here.

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