Tipps and Tricks to a perfect multi-monitor Setup on a Mac | Mac

Tipps and Tricks to a perfect multi-monitor Setup on a Mac

Change your primary monitor

If you want your login screen on another monitor or your new apps opening on your external display, just drag the white bar from the monitor->arrange window to the display of your choice:

Change primary display on a Mac


Create a multi monitor wallpaper out of any high-resolution foto

It is often hard to find a fitting wallpaper, especially when you run non standard setups (one display vertical, displays with height-offset). The App Multi Monitor wallpaper can help you. It costs a bit, but if it pays everything back with ease of use

Window Manager

There are several out there. I prefer https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/magnet/id441258766?mt=12 because of its ease of use and the interchangeable shortcuts

Window manager on steroids

I run the app https://cordlessdog.com/stay/ alongside magnet. It can save your window positions and rearrange your windows according to the saved presets.

  1. Arrange your windows as you want them to be
  2. Save positions with stay-app
  3. Mess up your window positions
  4. Tell stay to rearrange them and they are back where they belong

Stay supercharged

If you use Automator or https://www.alfredapp.com, you can create workflows, which open your desired apps and trigger the rearrangement. I created several workflows for different types of work I want to do with my computer. This is the workflow for my Communication setting. I simply type the keyword com into Alfred, and Mail, Messages, Franzapp, Finder and Safari open and are distributed to my screens.


submitted by /u/gutenmorgenuhu

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