The Health Care Terms You Need to Know – Info Computing
The Trump administration has made it easier for people whose employers don’t offer health insurance benefits to buy short term plans that are cheaper than plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act, but offer far fewer benefits and don’t have to cover pre-existing conditions.
Part of the calculus is that they’re cheaper than current offerings in the individual market and will appeal to people who can’t afford health insurance. And that’s true, unless you happen to get sick or need to see a doctor for any reason.
These plans do not comply with ACA rules that “prohibit annual and lifetime benefit limits, require coverage of all essential health benefits, and otherwise prohibit insurers from setting premiums or choosing whether to sell coverage to people based on applicants’ health status and health history,” according to the Urban Institute. In other words, they don’t have to cover things like preventive care, mental health care, or pregnancy, and they can charge people with pre-existing conditions more for coverage than someone without a medical history.
Last year, coverage for pre-existing conditions became a galvanizing force for people who were opposed to overturning the ACA. It’s easy to see why: Everyone is or knows someone who’s been sick at some point, and they know what happened when their insurer could deny coverage or increase prices so much they couldn’t afford it, anyway—it was the norm just a few years ago, before the ACA became law. But that intense resistance hasn’t happened this time around, when these short term plans can undermine the individual market and separate healthy and sick people into different health insurance pools, inflating prices for the sickest Americans while healthier, younger people forego seeing their doctor at all. (And this shoddier coverage won’t even save the federal government that much money, based on its own projections.)
You Could Be Denied Pre-Existing Condition Coverage by Employer Health Plans if the ACA Is Repealed
I wrote earlier this week about how people in the individual market with pre-existing conditions…
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Why is that? The health care debate is often bogged down with confusing acronyms and technical speak that alienates the average Americans from engaging in it. What politicians bank on, of course, is that once people read terms like “cost-sharing reductions” or “medical loss ratio,” their eyes will glaze over and they won’t pay attention any more—they’ll just be happy to have cheaper health insurance. If they knew what they were getting, it’d be a different story.
So, here are some of the terms to know during the ongoing health care debate, as they apply to you:
Cost-Sharing Reductions
Cost-sharing reductions are one of the two subsidies policy-holders receive with ACA marketplace plans that lowers out-of-pocket costs, including the amount they pay for deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. To receive these savings, you need to be enrolled in a Silver-level plan, which is the most commonly selected plan.
Under Obama, insurers received payments for these subsidies from the federal government, which is what lowered costs for consumers. But Trump announced he was ending payments for these reductions last year, which is one reason premiums have risen (the insurers need to make up the money somehow). And rising premiums, of course, will drive more people to cheaper plans, even if they’re less comprehensive.
Essential Health Benefits
Essential health benefits are 10 categories of care that must be covered by insurers without additional cost to the consumer. They include:
- Ambulatory patient services
- Emergency services
- Hospitalization
- Maternity and newborn care
- Mental health and substance use disorder services
- Prescription drugs
- Rehabilitative care
- Laboratory services
- Preventive services
- Pediatric care
The ACA also removed annual dollar caps on care in these categories. These short term plans don’t have to cover any of these benefits (and before the ACA, plans often didn’t, especially maternity care and mental health care). You might be thinking, wait, if they’re not covering prescriptions, hospital stays, trips to the ER and preventive services, what exactly are they covering? Good question!
It’s worth noting that people with employer health coverage, which is largely regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or ERISA, have guaranteed coverage of these benefits. It’s only people in the individual market who didn’t, which is something the ACA tried to fix. These short term plans undermine that.
High Risk Pools
High-risk pools are complicated, but essentially, before the ACA became law, states, which all regulated their health insurance marketplaces differently, operated different “pools” of insurance coverage: high-risk pools covered those with pre-existing conditions, who were uninsurable in a time when insurers were legally allowed to deny coverage.
That’s what these short term plans could bring us back to: One pool, the ACA marketplace, will be filled with older, sicker people who need more comprehensive coverage, and it will become more and more expensive without healthier people to offset costs, eventually driving some people out. Meanwhile, the short-term plan pool will be filled with the younger, healthier people who don’t yet need comprehensive care. Until they get sick, and then they’ll want the more comprehensive coverage that’s too expensive for them to afford.
Medical Loss Ratio
The amount of your premium that goes toward medical care. ACA-compliant plans spend 80 to 85 percent of premium costs on medical care, and the remaining 20 percent goes toward the insurance company’s overhead, including marketing, profits, salaries, etc.
Meanwhile, short term plans offered by the likes of United Health Care spend just 43 percent, while others spend significantly less than that.
These are just a few of the terms to know if you want to understand the health care debate, and why policy experts who want expanded access to affordable care are less than pleased with what the Trump administration is doing. The truth is, short term plans will certainly be cheaper for a percentage of the population—but they’ll drive up costs for the sickest among us. They’re a step backward on America’s path to truly affordable health care for all.
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp