Simple Book Cover #3: The Old Man and The Sea – Info Graphic Design
Some info:
One would think that a book that only talks about about a man fishing must be the most boring book ever, but somehow Hemingway not only managed to make it a good one, but a classic of literature.
The story is simple and direct so I wanted to make a simple and direct cover. Basically one main element + title/author and the rest should be blank space. In this aspect I think the first version works better. But I got a bit carried away and made the second one, which I find more interesting even if it leaves the simplicity behind a little bit.
There’s not much to explain here. In the story an old man fights against a strong fish that resists to be captured. I wanted to recreate that by making the fish the actual sea, and the boat on top of it (as in, the boat is floating on the fish instead of a normal sea) so there’s a sense of dominance from the fish. I used the color blue for obvious reasons without any other color that would generate much contrast.
I, Robot:
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp