Google Now Recommends Date Published & Modified Structured Data To Non-AMP Articles – Info SEO

Aaron Bradley posted on + that Google updated their article structure recommendations for non-AMP articles to recommend you add datePublished and dateModified to non-AMP Article pages.

The recommendations previously read:

The only properties supported for non-AMP structured data are the headline and image properties (and related sub-properties such as image.url).

Now it reads:

The only properties supported for non-AMP structured data are the headline and image properties (and related sub-properties such as image.url), as well as the dateModified and datePublished properties.

Here is his screen shot comparing the two:

click for full size

So go ahead and add more date details to your article markup if you have not done so already.

Maybe, just maybe, Google will be showing more non-AMP pages in the top stories? Maybe even in the carousel? Maybe?

Forum discussion at Google+.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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