The Best Baby and Toddler Books I’ve Bought (So Far) – Info Computing

As shown by my overflowing floor to ceiling bookshelves, you can never have too many . And besides that, it’s impossible to read too much to your or be too young to enjoy reading. While it seems silly to read to a tiny baby, it’s pretty great as a new parent to have something you can do that you already know how to do and requires basically no work or thinking (hey, parenting is hard and being a new parent is brutal). I found that reading with my child, even when she was really little, was a nice, calm, quiet activity that’s so rewarding, even when you don’t think a baby is “getting” any of what you’re reading.

Now that my child is older, I continue to buy tons of children’s books. It’s so much fun to go to bookstores and just pick up whatever your kid seems interested in. We’re lucky to have Books of Wonder and McNally Jackson here in NYC, and 57th Street Books in Hyde Park, Chicago, as well as Oblong Books in the Hudson Valley, but Amazon and even your library are excellent too.

Also, I wish Amazon would make a way to send a printed gift sticker that could be pasted into books you buy as gifts for kids. A little To/From/Happy Whatever, would be so great and the recipient could peel and stick it into the book and remember you when they read it. Can someone get on that?

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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