Magic Moments in Sales – Info Sales

The moment your dream client decides to take a meeting with you because they believe it will be worth the investment of their time. This moment is the opportunity for you to create a new opportunity. For you. And for your dream client.

The moment during early conversations when your dream client discovers something about themselves, something they didn’t know but for the questions you asked and the insights you shared. This is the moment you demonstrated an understanding of why your dream client needs to change now.

The moment your prospective client recognizes that you understand their world well enough to be considered as a potential strategic partner, someone devoted to helping them produce better results. This is when your dream client recognizes you have intimacy, a deep, personal understanding and that you are other-oriented.

The moment you address your dream client’s concerns with empathy, intelligence, and by deepening their understanding of how they can move forward successfully. Change comes with a good bit off fear. The ability to banish that fear by proving confidence is what helps them move forward in spite of the difficulties, known and unknown.

The moment your prospect trusts you well enough to start introducing you to other stakeholders within their organization, especially those stakeholders in executive leadership whose support will be necessary to make the kind of change you’re proposing. It is now believed that you will make your contact look good, and that they believe you are going to be able to gain the support of the leadership team.

The moment your dream client acknowledges they’ve been underinvesting in the results they need and a greater investment in the strategic outcomes is necessary to bring their company from the current state to the better future state they desire. When your dream client is willing to invest more in you and your solution, you have created a differentiated, compelling value proposition and a preference to work with you.

The moment your dream client commits to buying from you and you commit to executing your solution for them, and you begin to do the work to move them forward. This is not the moment you win, but it is the culmination of all the prior moments.

The moment those results are produced, you are, as if by , no longer a salesperson and instead a trusted advisor.

Essential Reading!

Get my latest book: The Lost Art of Closing

“In The Lost Art of Closing, Anthony proves that the final commitment can actually be one of the easiest parts of the process—if you’ve set it up properly with other commitments that have to happen long before the close. The key is to lead customers through a series of necessary steps designed to prevent a purchase stall.”

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Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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