How to target back-to-school shoppers on your eCommerce site – Info Email Marketing

Fill those lockers

Summer is in full swing — which means now is the perfect time to launch back-to-school sales, promotions and deals. Back-to-school offer a huge opportunity for retailers across a variety of industries, with back-to-school spending in the United States tallying a whopping $29.5 billion from 2006 to 2017. In essence, this means that Q3 has the potential to be the most lucrative sales period for many owners.

If you’re gearing up for back-to-school sales and want to know how to target buyers and improve your bottom line this summer, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll share eight marketing tactics that will help you target back-to-school shoppers on your eCommerce site.

8 marketing tactics to target back-to-school shoppers

Follow these strategies to make the most of the back-to-school sales season:

  1. Know what back-to-school shoppers want.

  2. Create back-to-school product collections and landing pages.

  3. Group products based on buyer personas.

  4. Pair your sale with current trends.

  5. Use back-to-school themed content.

  6. Offer an incentive.

  7. Engage back-to-school shoppers on social media.

  8. Don’t forget late shoppers.

Ready to prepare your eCommerce site for back-to-school shoppers? Then take a deeper dive into these eight marketing tips.

1. Know what back-to-school shoppers want

The primary category back-to-school shoppers will be interested in are school supplies, but don’t ignore other categories. They will also be looking at apparel, shoes, electronics, sporting goods, books, music, and other related categories.

Not only will those categories offer products that complement school supplies but back-to-school shopping also tends to fulfill the wants and needs that extend beyond school.

2. Create back-to-school product collections and landing pages

Make the buying process as easy as possible and create collections or categories for back-to-school products. You can also create landing pages for the most popular products or product categories.

Since distractions are limited and your website shows them exactly what they need, this will make it easier for back-to-school shoppers to find the items they want and convert them from browsers to buyers.

Another benefit of creating product collections and landing pages is that you can use them in your paid advertising campaigns, so it pays off to create them any time you are running a big sales event.

Related: How landing pages bridge the gap between marketing and sales

3. Group products based on buyer personas

This tip is directly related to the one above and involves grouping back-to-school products based on different buyer personas.

For example, you can create different collections that target moms, college students and teachers:

  • Moms would be interested not only in basic school supplies but they might also look at apparel and sporting goods.
  • College students might focus on electronics as well as furniture and accessories on top of standard school supplies.
  • Teachers, on the other hand, will be looking for school supplies as well as storage bins and boxes, basic toiletries, and computer-related products.

Related: What information should you include in your buyer persona customer profile?

4. Pair your sale with current trends

Stay abreast of current trends and use them to boost your sales. What are kids and parents talking about nowadays? What topics interest them outside of school? You can use a tool like Google Trends to see what is currently trending in your area as well as check out trending hashtags on social media like Twitter and Instagram. Alternatively, consider using a tool like Think with Google’s Shopping Insights to research how popular certain products are.

Once you know what’s hot, consider incorporating those trends into your promotions with a giveaway or a contest.


For example, if a popular app or a game is trending, could you partner with the developers and offer game or app codes? If a popular movie is due to come out during the back-to-school sale season, can you partner with a local movie theater and offer a set of movie tickets? You are only limited by your imagination here so don’t be afraid to experiment with different ideas.

Related: How to give away free stuff to boost online store sales

5. Use back-to-school themed content

It goes without saying that you need to get buyers to come to your site to be able to incorporate the tactics mentioned in this article. To do this, use back-to-school themed content and promote it on social media.

You can create a review of a certain product, a list of the must-have school supplies, a buying guide or even a comparison review that evaluates the two most popular products side-by-side.

Related: How to write great blog post

Back-To-School Shoppers Books

6. Offer an incentive

Everyone loves a good deal, back-to-school shoppers included, which means offering an incentive can make a huge impact on your bottom line. For starters, consider one of the main reasons for cart abandonment, high shipping costs.

Offering free shipping is a good way to combat that problem.


Additionally, free shipping is a great incentive for back-to-school shoppers to put that first item in their cart and continue their buying spree.

Aside from free shipping, you can offer a discount code or a BOGO deal to increase the likelihood of the sale and encourage buyers to choose you over your competitor.

Related: What every small business should know about creating discounts

7. Engage back-to-school shoppers on social media

Be active on social media, where your potential buyers are will allow you to get a better understanding of their interests and create a more meaningful relationship with them. You can engage in a conversation with them and show them that your brand has a personal element, which will pay off in your marketing efforts later on.

Use the insight you get from engaging with your buyers to create marketing campaigns that speak to their needs and to promote your store as well as special deals such as a back-to-school sale.

Related: A beginner’s guide to social media for small business

8. Don’t forget late shoppers

Lastly, don’t assume that everyone will do their back-to-school shopping early. Some of your buyers might stagger the purchase over the span of a few weeks or wait until the school year is about to start.

You can encourage them to complete their purchase by adding urgency and scarcity reminders closer to the school start date to remind those late shoppers they only have a few days left to snag those deals.

Related: How to create CTAs that drive the right moves

Boost your summer profits with back-to-school sales

Back-to-school sales are one of the longest sale periods of the year so your store has the potential of making the most amount of profit and sales during this time. Use the eight marketing tips in this article to target back-to-school shoppers on your eCommerce site and boost your sales.

Image by: moren hsu on Unsplash

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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