Find Time Outside of Your To-Do List to Crush Your Side Hustle – Info Entrepreneurship

Motivation is just right the corner with these tips.

2 min read

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Making to create content is often a master class in juggling.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Kate Volman goes into some of her top tips for completing your content creation project even as you work a full-time job. Volman speaks about a woman who is still working on building up her side hustle. Volman relates to how oftentimes you can feel drained after you come home from a long day. The key is to avoid this urge to sit down and cut off your productivity for the day. Volman mentions that as entrepreneurs it can be difficult to stay motivated after sifting through a lengthy to-do list — the bills need to be paid, the clients need to be called back. 

If you’re wondering if there is a magic answer to all this, Volman is here to break it to you there is none. The solution may just be the willingness to dive in and do all the content creation you have to do.  

Volman relies on three tips to get her work done. One is creating both content calendars and idea files. Establishing set content appointments you can’t break may help you get over the hump of a daily grind. Also, an idea file sets aside a store of information you can consult later on those days when you’re feeling less than motivated.

Click play to hear more.

Related: 4 Steps to Take Your Business’s Influence More Local

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Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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