Achieve Crispy Crust Nirvana With This Discounted Vremi Pizza Stone [Exclusive] – Info Computing

‘, ‘B06XX6P1X9’);‘unique.send’, ‘event’, ‘Commerce’, ‘theinventory – Achieve Crispy Crust Nirvana With This Vremi Stone [Exclusive]‘, ‘B06XX6P1X9’);” data-amazontag=”kinjadeals-20″ href=”[t|link[p|1828077958[a|B06XX6P1X9[au|5727177402741770316[b|theinventory”>Pizza stones let you make crispier pizza (and other foods) in a standard oven, which can’t get nearly as hot as a true pizza oven, and a great one is on sale today on Amazon, just for our readers.

Beyond Pizza: Make Perfectly Crisp Foods with a Pizza Stone

A pizza stone is remarkably more versatile than the name suggests. In addition to helping you make…

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‘, ‘B06XX6P1X9’);‘unique.send’, ‘event’, ‘Commerce’, ‘theinventory – Achieve Crispy Crust Nirvana With This Discounted Vremi Pizza Stone [Exclusive]‘, ‘B06XX6P1X9’);” data-amazontag=”kinjadeals-20″ href=”[t|link[p|1828077958[a|B06XX6P1X9[au|5727177402741770316[b|theinventory”>Vremi’s ceramic pizza stone is black, meaning it won’t show grease stains over time like a light-colored one, includes a lip around the edge to keep the pizza in place, and has built-in handles that make it easier to take out of the oven. All of these features seem quite obvious in hindsight, and yet, most pizza stones are flat, off-white slabs that you can’t operate without burning yourself. Get it for $25 today with our exclusive VremiKinja promo code.

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Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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