Orange is the New Black season 6 trailer arrives: “This isn’t home” | Entertainment

Netflix has finally released the official trailer for Orange is the New 6, giving us out first look at the upcoming season. Netflix plans to release season 6 later this month, making the entire batch of episodes available to all regions where it is officially available. If you haven’t watched season 5 yet, skip this trailer to avoid spoilers.

Netflix’s hit original series Orange is the New Black ended on a big cliffhanger in season 5, though anyone who has watched it already has a good idea about the nature of season 6. Assuming you’re all caught up, watch the trailer below to see what we’re getting later this month when the episodes drop. Everyone else should skip it — spoilers are unavoidable.

As the trailer shows, the Litchfield crew has made its way to a maximum security facility following last season’s antics, tossing them into a new environment with a slew of new characters. The trailer hints at both the drama and the humor the show is popular for, and it hints at a mystery: where’s Alex?

There are no hints of the resolution for last season’s cliffhanger, though we can guess how it ends based on who is present in the video above. The first five seasons are available now and season 6 will arrive on July 27. Netflix’s show page is available here.

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