LinkedIn Added a Voice Messaging Feature – Info Advertisement

LinkedIn users who prefer saying it over typing it can now do so with messaging on the professional network.

The is currently rolling out on LinkedIn’s iOS and Android applications, with full availability expected in the next few weeks, and voice messages can be received on mobile and web.

Senior product manager Zack Hendlin revealed in a blog post that voice messages of up to one minute can now be recorded and sent via LinkedIn messaging.

He pointed out that people speak about four times faster than they type, and that speaking is easier when people are on the move, adding that leaving a voice message rather than making a phone call enables recipients to respond when they can.

Hendlin added, “Speaking in your own voice allows you to build a more personal connection and effectively communicate. It’s easier for your tone and personality to come through, which can sometimes get lost in translation in written communications.”

LinkedIn users can record voice messages by tapping the microphone icon on the mobile messaging keyboard, and then tapping and holding the microphone in the circle. Releasing the microphone sends the message, and users can cancel their messages before sending them by sliding their finger away from the microphone icon while holding it down.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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