Facebook Acquired Email Startup Redkix for Workplace by Facebook – Info Advertisement

Facebook’s latest acquisition was completed with an eye toward its Workplace by Facebook enterprise offering, as Redkix was scooped up by the social network.

Redkix combined email, messaging and calendar features in a single application, but that app will be shuttered following its acquisition by Facebook.

Facebook said Redkix employees including co-founders and brothers CEO Oudi Antebi and chief technology officer Roy Antebi will join the Workplace by Facebook team.

The Antebi brothers said in a statement on the Redkix website, “When we launched our enterprise app, our vision was to build a centralized, inclusive and modern platform for work. By embracing email as part of the solution, we set out to open up participation, eliminate silos and connect everyone at a company. As a result, we’ve seen how companies thrive when people work together. Bringing people closer together is at the core of Facebook. Workplace brings this mission to enterprises to make them more connected and productive. We’re aligned with their vision and excited to work with them to help companies collaborate and get work done.”

And a Facebook spokesperson said, “We are thrilled to welcome Redkix to the Workplace team as we continue to connect people and give the world a place to work together. Across the world, more than 30,000 companies use Workplace by Facebook to collaborate with their colleagues and get more work done.”

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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