“How I Work”: Tina LoSasso Board, President of Make It So Marketing @LadySalesDog #HowIWork – Info Sales

By Matt Heinz, of Heinz

“How I Work” is one of my favorite recurring features in Inc Magazine as well as via Lifehacker’s This Is How I Work Series.  We’ve had our own series for a few years now.

Every week on Thursday, we feature B2B sales, marketing or business leaders here answering what have become the standard “How I Work” questions.  You can catch up on everyone we’ve featured thus far in the “How I Work” series here.

This week I’m excited to feature Tina LoSasso Board, President of Make It So Marketing and the “machine” behind some of the most successful sales and marketing book launches in recent years.

She’s also a film nut.  Here in her own words is how she gets so much stuff done.

Location:  San Diego

Number of unread emails right now? 47, really old ones that should be deleted!

First app checked in the morning? My Google calendar, then Weather which is silly because I’m in San Diego! Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

First thing you do when you come into work? Check email and add to my task list accordingly. Quickly review what’s on the docket for the day.

What is your email management strategy? Take a quick look periodically throughout the day, deal with majority at that time, and table any that require more involved response – add those to my task list.
Most essential app when traveling? Email

How do you keep yourself calm and/or focused? Much earlier in my career, I ran a 24-hour crisis center, so keeping calm is a given. It’s a matter of perspective, setting intentions for the day, taking breaks as needed, isolation when required, and practicing meditation.

What’s your perspective or approach to work/life balance? Early in my career, I worked all the time. Later, I started working for myself, in part to have control over my time. Yet, I found myself working all hours. Now I set limits and schedule computer and phone time. With today’s tech, it’s important to work smarter not harder.

Are there any work rituals critical to your success? If I feel overwhelmed with too much to do. I’ll write out everything that absolutely must be done today (not just the to do’s in my app) and then cross each item off. It keeps more focused and rewarded. When I need inspiration, I’ll step away from my laptop for a few minutes and do something mundane. This seems to relax my brain and allow the imagination to take over.

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without? Gmail, Excel, and social media, especially LinkedIn,

What’s your workspace like? I’m fortunate to work at home. Often, I’ll work standing at the kitchen counter. It makes me feel less sedentary.

What’s your best time-saving shortcut or lifehack? Making my list of most important, absolutely must get done items and only focusing on them. I think it was a commercial for the U.S. Army that said, “We get more done before 9:00 am than most people do all day.” I like to start the day strong otherwise you can become distracted by lots of other issues and inadvertently procrastinate.

What are you currently reading? I’m always reading one of my client’s books! Last two: Objections by Jeb Blount, and Sales Differentiation by Lee Salz. For fun: an old-fashioned English murder mystery. Love mysteries.

Last thing you do before leaving work? Check email and update my to do list.

Who are some mentors or influencers you wish to thank or acknowledge? I worked for Tony Robbins for a few years and learned that I could do anything I put my mind to. Which coincidentally is something my Aunt who raised me would always say about me.

Name some supportive people who help make it possible to do what you do best? My clients, like Jeb Blount, Henry DeVries, Jill Konrath and Art Sobczak, who tell fellow authors they have to talk to me about launching their books. My husband who writes at all hours makes it acceptable for me to work any hours I like. My biggest champion though is my parakeet!

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Early in my business career, I came to my publisher about a big printing error by our vendor. We discussed how to handle it and before I left his office, he said, “But don’t beat him up about it. Remember, we have to keep working with him.” Great advice that’s served me well in all kinds of business relationships.Name a guilty pleasure TV show: Married at First Sight

Fill in the Blank: I’d love to see answer these questions. Jennifer Gluckow, Dan Waldschmidt, Henry DeVries, David A Fields, Andy Paul.

Want to nominate someone?  Let us know!

#HowIWork features B2B business leaders sharing life hacks, productivity secrets, work-life balance tips as well as confessions, guilty pleasures and gratitude.


Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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