Honest Startup Advice From Somebody Who’s Been Through It – Info Marketing

Podcast with Rand Fishkin
Podcast Transcript

My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Rand Fishkin. He is the founder and former CEO of Moz and currently has a new venture called SparkToro, a software and data company focused on helping people understand how and where to reach their target audiences. He and I discuss his new book, Lost and Founder: A Painfully Field Guide to the Startup World.

Fishkin is a frequent keynote speaker on marketing and entrepreneurship topics around the world. In his spare time, he likes to hang out with his wife and eat pasta.

Questions I ask Rand Fishkin:

  • Where does SEO sit today?
  • Why include the painfully honest advice in your book?
  • What is some common advice you give people?

What you’ll learn if you give a listen:

  • Why you need to discover your unique value
  • How Fishkin’s business point of view has changed over the years
  • What’s coming next in the marketing world

Key takeaways from the episode and more about Rand Fishkin:

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