Where Do You Fit On The Digital Maturity Curve? – Info Sales
You can argue with me by saying “my customer is not on social media platforms, and isn’t terribly digital in consuming content”. The reality is some sales leaders believe that the digital evolution will never effect their business. You CAN also argue with me that social selling or digital selling is not a proactive thing in your industry, or your country, right now…
What you CAN’T argue with me is that it’s won’t happen. That’s just turning a blind-eye to evolution. While some countries, markets, industries are slower to adopt, it’s happening at a global level. Buyers are buyers all over the world. Just in the last year, we’ve worked with companies in the following industries
- Industrial Automation
- Airlines
- Medical Devices
- Professional Services
- Life Sciences
And this is complimenting the telecommunications, information technology, software companies that are already experiencing “Early Majority” level of embracing digital selling best practices. This includes customers engaging their customers in these countries:
- Mexico
- Columbia
- Brazil
- Germany
- Belgium
- Italy
- Turkey
- India
- Japan
- Singapore
Where does your company, competitors and market sit on a Digital Maturity Curve?
Option A – position of opportunity
The opportunity lies in your market being nascent to digital. The best way to gain a competitive advantage is to be FIRST. First to teach a customer something new. First to expand the way a customer learns. First to connect a network of like minded people together.
Wouldn’t you want to be first???
Option B – position of risk
If you’re a technology company, telecom company – or sell to IT, HR, Sales, Marketing, Operations – you’re no longer FIRST. In fact, you’re probably seeing your competitor’s leverage digital/social in their sales cadence. This is called “Standard Operating Procedures”, when this just becomes SELLING. You’re in a reactive position as your discovering that building sales pipeline is more difficult this year than previous years. This is no accident. Your customer is learning with, or without you!
Where does your company, competitors and market sit on a Digital Maturity Curve?
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp