Taco Bell Wins Big on Lunch Break Ruling. Why You Should Care. – Info HR

by Evil HR Lady on July 24, 2018

Taco Bell’s old slogan “Run for the border” seemed the opposite of what it required it’s employees to do–stay on the premises during breaks if they bought discounted food. Employees complained, saying if they were to stay at the restaurant, they were entitled to pay because they weren’t actually relieved of duties.

Taco Ball countered that, indeed, employees were free to leave the restaurant during their breaks–they only had to stay and consume any discounted food they purchased in the restaurant. Taco Bell wanted to ensure they weren’t using their employee discount to feed friends or family members. If employees purchased food at full price, or didn’t buy food, they were welcome to leave.

The 9th circuit court agreed with Taco Bell. They wrote:

to keep reading, click here: Taco Bell Wins Big on Lunch Ruling. Why You Should Care.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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