Strategy Pattern in PHP – Info PHP


This article explains the in PHP. One of the common issues we encounter while programming, is that must create decisions on completely different methods. Strategy Patterns have a common pattern that helps us to create decisions on completely different cases, more simply. To know this is good, let us use the scenario where you are developing a notification program. This notification program can check the given choices for a user. A user might want to be notified in many ways, like email, SMS, or Fax. Your program should check the available choices to contact that user and so create a call upon that. This case will simply be solved by the Strategy Pattern.


First of all, I will create an interface.



interface confirmation


//method name confirm

public function Confirm();




Let’s create a “class.Emailconfirmation.php” file.


//include interface.confirm.php


//create class Emailconfirmation

class EmailConfirmation implements confirmation


//method name confirm

public function confirm()


//do something to confirm the user by Email




And next I will create a “class.faxconfirmation.php” file.


//include class.emailconfirmation.php


//implements confirmation interface

class FaxConfirmation implements confirmation


// create method confimation

public function confirm()


//do something to confirm the user by Fax





And next I will create a “class.SMSconfirmation.php” file.


//include class.faxconfirmation.php


//implements confirmation interface

class SMSConfirmation implements confirmation


public function confirm()


//do something to confirm the user by SMS





Now I will use this code:


//include three files




//user object

$user = new User();

$confirmation = $user->getconfirmation();

switch ($confirmation)


case “email”:

//object of Emailconfirmation class

$objconfirmation = new Emailconfirmation();


case “sms”:

//object of SMSconfirmation class

$objconfirmation = new SMSconfirmation();


case “fax”:

//object of Faxconfirmation class

$objconfirmation = new Faxconfirmation();





In the code above I have used three classes known as “SMSconfirmation”, “Emailconfirmation”, and “Faxconfirmation”. Of these classes implement the confirmation interface, that includes a method named notify. Every one of those categories implement that method on their own.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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