Seeking advice to become a graphic designer – Info Graphic Design

Hi, all! New to r/graphic_design, thousand pardons if there’s already hundreds of threads seeking advice!

I’m 19 and finishing up year 12 in Australia (final year before university), and I’m very fond of communication and . As such, I will occasionally design banners and logos for my friends.

I don’t really ask for payments but I feel like I should, but I’m scared of A. Getting my name out there because B. I’m not sure if my clients would like the work I produce. If they don’t like it would I still charge them? I’m not sure how commissions work in that scenario.

Moreover, how would I go about getting my name out there in the first place? I’ve only done stuff for friends and friends of friends you see. I’m not sure if the work I do would fall into a particular or noticeable style (this is the link to my tumblr page which is where I used to post all the stuff I would work on in my spare time: )

Any help is greatly appreciated, and I hope you all have a great day! Cheers!

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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