Advanced Digital Businesses Are Winning With Tech-Driven Business Innovation – Info AI
Those that don’t keep up with the rapidly changing pace of technology will cease to be competitive and get left behind. The most advanced enterprises have common threads. These agile, customer-obsessed firms rapidly take advantage of emerging technologies: working with new technologies in the lab, discovering new business possibilities enabled by these technologies, and then bringing those new possibilities to market. Most firms fail when trying to drive innovation with technology. The inflexibility of their immature technology and business models requires them to drive innovation with business strategy. In my new report, “Advanced Digital Businesses Are Winning With Tech-Driven Business Innovation,” I outline what distinguishes advanced businesses from their less mature — and less able — counterparts and provide advice on how to achieve tech-driven business innovation.
Curious to speak with peers and hear the latest from Forrester about achieving tech-driven business innovation? Come to Forrester’s New Tech & Innovation 2018 Forum next week at the Sheraton Boston — July 18–19. Analysts like Brian Hopkins, Frank Gillett, and J. P. Gownder will speak on a wide range of technologies and how to make your enterprise more digitally advanced. On Wednesday afternoon, James Staten and I will guide a session on how to be a tech-driven innovator and the types of innovation that will drive your company to competitive success.
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Article Prepared by Ollala Corp