A Warning To Figure Collectors During Summer – Info Computing

It’s ! In many places, it’s hot. If you collect anime or video game themed , take heed. Severe summer temps can wreak havoc on collectibles.

This is especially common in Japan, where the AC is typically switched off when folks aren’t at home. Add record-breaking temps and you get bent figures—and more.

Look what happened to this candle.

The below heatwave warning has recently gone viral in Japan, but the photo was originally uploaded on Figsoku a while back.

It looks like a Michael Jackson dance move.

Here are more examples of warped figures.

What should you do if you figures get warped like this? According to blog Club Maccho, put the figures in hot water. Since they’re made of PVC, the plastic can be bent at high temperatures.

Gently bend the figures back into place (be careful!) and then put them under cold running water.

The low temp will cause the PVC to harden, and the figures will hopefully return to their normal state.

Remember, collectible figures are not cheap and can snap off the base at the ankles. Perhaps the best preventive measure is to keep them out of the summer heat!

Even if you only have CG figures!

Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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