Practice What You Speech! Branding 101: The 7 Essentials For Building Your Brand – Info Branding
Practice What You Speech!
Branding 101: The 7 Essentials For Building Your Brand
Oy vey! I’ve been so overwhelmed with work that I nearly forgot to blog and share brand insight and opinion this week. But, then it hit me that I must walk my talk or as I say, “practice what I speech!” I’m frustrated when I run into entrepreneurs who forget their business cards or don’t have a website, or a social media following and dismiss it as “oh, well, the shoemaker has no shoes.” I believe the shoemaker should wear Gucci’s or Marmi!
I get it: it’s tough to juggle doing the business while still marketing the business!
If I stop marketing today, I’ll feel the negative effects later – perhaps as early as 3 months. So, as you’ll see below, I’m revising a number of key branding elements that are crucial to boosting the mindshare that builds market share.
Never stop #marketing! If you do, you’ll feel the negative effects in about 6 months. Click To Tweet
7 Essentials of Building Your Brand
2. Act Like A Thought Leader– It’s essential to share your point of view. Easy options include:
a. Blog– you do have a blog, right? (Thanks for reading and sharing!)
b. You need not write your own material, but curate it too from other sources.
d. Media Appearances – TV, radio, and podcasts show you in action with your point of view.
f. By-Lined Articles– Contributing an article or op-end pieces to your industry publication, local business paper also works well.
g. Webinars and On–Line Summits– Tele-summits and online webinars are great avenues for demonstrating your expertise.
3. Display Current Photos– No photos from 20 years ago or 20 lbs. ago! And headshots have evolved so that it’s no longer just the pose and smile in a blue suit jacket. If you look around this page, you’ll see that my photos are from just a few weeks ago.
6. Remain Consistent– How you act today is how I expect you and your brand to look, sound, and behave tomorrow. Consistency builds loyalty.
7. Create a Fabulous Business Card– Business cards are almost the last bastion of something you print so make them count! No Vista Print or cookie-cutter business cards allowed. Splurge on them as they are the key to a great first impression.
Building a #brand requires a point of difference and consistency; Consistency builds loyalty. Click To Tweet
Are you committed to your brand? Will you commit to the above steps? What’s working for you or not? I’m all ears.
To your sizzling success,
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp