How to Install CakePHP in XAMPP – Info PHP


CakePHP is open source for a PHP framework built around Model-View-Controller (MVC). We started to create a small application that would perform some basic Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations on our database.

  • Model: It manages the data. It stores into and retrieves from the database.
  • View: It is for the presentation and is responsible for displaying the data provided by the model in a specific format.
  • Controller: Handles the model and view layers to work together.

How to

Step 1 

To download CakePHP go to Framework.

If the CakePHP folder is already downloaded then start.

Put the download folder into the htdocs folder.

Step 2

CakePHP folder run in xampp.

Step 3

How to remove the preceding error.

Path: C:xampphtdocscakephp_exampleappConfigcore.php


To replace Security.salt and Security.cipherSeed key have a look at the following screen.

replacing keys

Again run CakePHP folder in xampp.

To get success run CakePHP in your system. We ae now setting the database.


And rename database.php.default to database.php.

Open database.php and set the database parameter like host name, username and database name.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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