Google Search Algorithm Update Saturday July 21st? – Info SEO
Starting maybe late Friday and into Saturday there were signals of a possible Google search algorithm update. The chatter is a bit limited, more than the normal chatter, but the tracking tools mostly saw signs of an update. Now, it didn’t seem to be mobile specific more than desktop specific – so it is hard to say what happened here. Maybe Google rolled out an update late Friday that impacted a smaller set of web sites in the index?
Here are some comments from the ongoing WebmasterWorld thread starting on Saturday:
after 3 or 4 days improvement and steady conversions today things seems to have dropped off a cliff again. SERPs are all different to what they have been been.
Anyone else seeing similar – im wondering if there has been an update of any kind of it is just same old AI experimenting with results again.
Today I noticed more keywords and now they are in Italian language (they are relevant, but in Italian!). Is someone facing with the same things? I saw that there was a spike on algo tracking tools last 2 days – it’s some kind of faulty update?
According to SEMrush, SERPs activity is in the high range right now.
Too early to say, but seems like one of my websites gained a pretty good boost in rankings since yesterday. The second one’s traffic keeps falling down (but I know why, so there is no question on that). An update?
Overall, most webmasters have been quiet over the weekend but it was the weekend. Maybe we will see people wake up and look at their analytics tools and ask what is going on.
Here are some of the tools that track this:
SERP Metrics:
Advanced Web Ranking:
Did you notice changes in your rankings since the weekend? Please do let us know. I can reach out to Google if it is something I see a lot more webmasters talking about.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp