What is XML And How To Use XML in PHP – Info PHP
A markup language is used to annotate text or add additional information.
It is a case sensitive. These are used everywhere in commerce to collaborate, coordinate and exchange data with other commerce. XML-coded data can go directly from a web page to a database without the need for middleware. It uses tag to define data present in a web page.
Tags are useful in providing specific meaning of the data. It stores the data and specifies it. it will never change HTML in the future, but it can produce new possibilities by creating modern features of HTML.
- root>
- child>
- subchild>
- subchild>
- child>
- root>
- xml version=“1.0”?>
- Message>
- to>Akhileshto>
- from>Bhushan sirfrom>
- heading>Reminderheading>
- body>Please call me on urgent basis!body>
- Message >
Characteristics of XML are as given below:
- XML has structured format.
- XML is strongly-typed format.
- XML is validated.
- XML is the relationship between data and it can simply describe hierarchical data.
Uses of XML
- XML is used to settle the data and store.
- It can simply be merged with style sheets to create required output.
- It minifies the creation of a HTML document.
- Use it for reloading and unloading a database.
- XML can manifest any type of XML document.
How we can use XML in PHP
Step 1: create form and save file name xml.php save it.
- form action=“” method=“POST” >
- First name:br>
- input type=“text” name=“firstname” value=“”>br>
- EMail Id:br>
- input type=“text” name=“EMail” value=“”>br>br>
- Phone:br>
- input type=“text” name=“Phone” value=“”>br>br>
- input type=“submit” value=“Submit” name=“submit_btn”>
- form>
Step 2: write a php code on top of xml file save it,
- $xmldoc = new DomDocument( ‘1.0’ );
- $xmldoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
- $xmldoc->formatOutput = true;
- if(isset($_POST[“submit_btn”$_POST[“submit_btn”]==‘Submit’){
- extract($_POST);
- $productNum = $firstname;
- $name = $EMail;
- $category = $Phone;
- if(!file_exists(‘Contact.xml’)){
- $xml=“
ntt” ; - $xml .=“
ntt” ; - $xml .= “
$productNum ntt”; - $xml .= “
$name ntt”; - $xml .= “
$category ntt”; - $xml.=“nt”;
- $xml.=“nr”;
- $xmlobj=new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
- $xmlobj->asXML(“Contact.xml”);
- }else{
- if( $xml = file_get_contents( ‘Contact.xml’) ) {
- $xmldoc->loadXML( $xml, LIBXML_NOBLANKS );
- $root = $xmldoc->getElementsByTagName(‘Contact’)->item(0);
- $product = $xmldoc->createElement(‘User’);
- $root->insertBefore( $product, $root->firstChild );
- $nameElement = $xmldoc->createElement(‘Name’);
- $product->appendChild($nameElement);
- $nameText = $xmldoc->createTextNode($productNum);
- $nameElement->appendChild($nameText);
- $categoryElement = $xmldoc->createElement(‘EMail’);
- $product->appendChild($categoryElement);
- $categoryText = $xmldoc->createTextNode($name);
- $categoryElement->appendChild($categoryText);
- $categoryElement = $xmldoc->createElement(‘Phone’);
- $product->appendChild($categoryElement);
- $categoryText = $xmldoc->createTextNode($category);
- $categoryElement->appendChild($categoryText);
- $xmldoc->save(‘Contact.xml’);
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
step 4: When you execute xml.php file then Contract.xml automatic generate into your project root folder
first screen execute file
After fill information into form,
And click submit button .
output: To generate Contact.xml file into your root folder,
Output: append another information
Read more articles on XML:
Article Prepared by Ollala Corp