The New Generation of Facebook Advertising Tools: Collaboration Hub – Info Advertisement

Tired of spending hours onboarding new clients’ ad accounts? Having your team scattered around the world is delaying the entire ad approval process? Hub is the solution.

Tired of manually taking screenshots or writing endless emails with all the details of your copy and targeting to get the green light from your boss and publish your perfectly crafted campaign? We’ve got you covered!

AdEspresso’s Collaboration Hub is a powerful addition to our Ads tool that will make it easier for agencies (one-man-agency included) to manage multiple clients’ ads all from one single AdEspresso account, improving the process for everyone involved.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at the possibilities it offers, how to use the new feature, and who will benefit the most from AdEspresso Collaboration Hub.

Here at AdEspresso, we have a diverse user base. Small businesses, large businesses, solo-preneurs, influencers, and agencies all use our tool to run ad campaigns that will help them expand their business.

Out of all of these customers, agencies have a few extra steps they need to take when running ads for clients.

This is true on Facebook and any other third-party tool (ours included), and as anyone who has worked with clients on Facebook Ads, it can be a massive headache trying to get everything synced up.

This is true even when your clients are thoroughly knowledgeable with social media, but it becomes even more chaotic when they aren’t.

I can tell you firsthand that every time I sign a new social client, I know that the setup will be the most painful part of the working relationship. I end up on Skype calls and emailing them screenshots and step-by-step instructions on how to find their account information, how to approve access requests, and so much more.

It takes a lot of time and usually is at least mildly frustrating for everyone involved (but mostly the client). It’s not always a good way to start off a new working relationship.

We wanted to find a solution to that problem, and we created our new Collaboration Hub tool.

Here’s what you need to know about AdEspresso’s Collaboration Hub, what it offers, how to use it, and how can you maximize the benefits.

Don’t have time to read? Ok, watch this video then. Taking 5 minutes now will save you days of work later!

What Is The Collaboration Hub?

AdEspresso’s new Collaboration Hub is designed to make it so much easier for two different parties to work together to create and manage ad campaigns.

Now, an advertiser can quickly onboard new clients and their ad accounts, and even submit campaigns for approval from clients, all through AdEspresso’s interface.

Everything is simple and straightforward, and it helps to make sure that nothing slips between the cracks by simplifying the process.

AdEspresso collaboration hub

There are two significant features available in the Collaboration Hub: campaign approvals, and onboarding requests.

Let’s take a closer look at these features in-depth.

Collaboration Hub Campaign Approvals

Campaign approvals will make it easier for different team members to work well with clients, especially if approval for ads is needed from someone specific before they start running.

This feature allows the campaign creator to submit the ads to approval to select individuals before they go through the Facebook approval process.

Now, when you’re creating a campaign in AdEspresso, you’ll see that at the very end of the creation process you have two options. You can either Publish the ad right to Facebook for their approval or request approval from one of your partners.

To take advantage of the campaign approval feature, click request approval.

You’ll see the option to share your campaign approval request through email or a custom link, which you can then send straight to the user who needs to approve the ad.

Once you do this, you’ll see that the ad is pending approval until it’s been either approved or rejected.

If clients or a team leader wants more oversight on their ad account– or just the ability to give the final say– this is a great tool to have.

I know I’m not the only one breathing a sigh of relief to have this new ability.

Collaboration Hub Onboarding Requests

While I love the campaign approval capabilities, it’s the onboarding requests feature that I can’t get enough of.

I already discussed the migraine-inducing process of getting Pages and ad accounts synced up even through Facebook with new clients; this feature solves that problem entirely by making the process as simple as pie through AdEspresso.

First, click the “Request onboarding” CTA in the Collaboration Hub.

Once you do this, you’ll see the request page pop up.

You can craft a custom message to send to the owner of the Page or Ad account you’ll be syncing with, letting them know that it is you and not some hacker trying to snag any of their secure info.

You’ll select the Facebook user and the business manager that the accounts will be linked through, and you can choose to request access to external services like their CRMS so you can sync custom audiences automatically.

AdEspresso’s data sync feature can help with this.

Once you do this, save the request and then either email it to the Page or account owner or copy the link and send it to them directly.

They’ll be able to quickly review and approve your request without having to dig through their own accounts for information they don’t understand or know how to find.

This makes the process so much easier on everyone, and it will save both parties a significant amount of time.

Who Will Benefit from The Collaboration Hub?

Anyone who works with multiple parties or numerous team members will benefit from the Collaboration Hub– also if the team members are on your team.

Being able to quickly onboard new customers and still give them the final say in ad review is a huge win.

collaboration hub customer review

Clients will feel like they have more control and, at the same time, they won’t be overwhelmed by the process.

AdEspresso collaboration hub customer review

This will be a big selling point for agencies (and consultants or freelancers like myself) who use AdEspresso for their clients.

Even a business that has employees creating ads can benefit from these new features because they can quickly submit the ads to review to the person in charge.

This gives one person the power of vetoing the ads (if they want it) and will streamline the process by making the approval process more straightforward and easier to follow.

Yes, Collaboration Hub is definitely a big deal, we told you!

Final Thoughts

Our new Collaboration Hub will make it easier for agencies to securely and efficiently manage multiple client ad accounts on AdEspresso, significantly improving the process for everyone involved.

This is a huge win for both the advertiser and their clients.

Facebook and Instagram Ads, after all, can be complicated enough as it is.

What do you think? Have you used our new Collaboration Hub? How has it improved the experience for you? What other features do you want to see us add? Share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions in the comments below! 





Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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