Physical vs Electronic Employment Records: What’s the Better Choice? – Info HR

by Evil HR Lady on July 9, 2018

It’s easy enough to make paper employment —you just have to write something down. An electronic record, on the other hand, can be a bit more complicated. They have some serious advantages, though.

Ultimately, it’s time to make the switch from paper employment records to electronic employment records, even though there may be a cost to implementing such a system. If your company still uses paper records, here’s why it should focus on this important update.


Where are your paper records? In a filing cabinet? In a desk drawer? Well, who has the key? If it’s one person and they are out sick, is there a backup key? Who has access to that? And what if there’s an emergency—an employee falls suddenly ill, so you need to reach their emergency contact—but the person who has the key to the filing cabinet is out to lunch?

To keep reading, click here: Physical vs Electronic Employment Records: What’s the Better ?

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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