Miigen, the digital time capsule! – Info Entrepreneurship

What if your late grandparents could still speak to you today and remind you of their life and memories? That’s the aim of Miigen, a Scottish startup that has created a time . Silicon Luxembourg met with Miigen’s CEO during Arch Summit.
(Featured Image: Craig Lemmon, CEO of Miigen / Image Credit © Olivier Minaire)

You can think of Miigen as a biograph if you wish, keeping family memories safe in your digital scrapbook for you and your family to enjoy” said Craig Lemmon, the CEO. This works quite simply: photos can be uploaded and commented in your own words thanks to a voice tag added to the photos. They are then saved on a private cloud. People can decide to share them publicly on their Facebook profile for instance even though they can also remain strictly for a private use between family members.

We want to create an emotional link on the pictures through the voice tag, such emotion being kept even years after they have been taken.

Miigen also offers the possibility to elderly people to create their time capsule in the present and share it only once they’re gone, so their life and story can be remembered forever by family and friends. “We want to create an emotional link on the pictures through the voice tag, such emotion being kept even years after they have been taken” explained the founder.

The startup exists since beginning of 2016. “Our technology has evolved since September of last year, as we now have eight languages offered. We are a team of 7 persons working on the development of the website” said the CEO.

Miigen has just raised 500,000$ and is currently in discussion with some prospects from the Silicon Valley to raise more funds to continue its development!

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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