Four Steps to Install Magento Manually – Info PHP

We are going to tell you the proper method of installing Magento so you can store and run in the blink of an eye. You can Magento manually without the utilization of any other installer. The installation procedure is very simple, as you just have to follow few being described below:

4-Step Installation Process

The following steps allow you to do the manual installation of Magento:

Step 1: Download the Installation Package of Magento

The foremost thing is to go to the authorized website of Magento and download the updated installation package.

Step 2: Upload the Magento Records to Your Server

The next step is that you have to upload the package of installation onto your present account via your cPanel ->File Manager or by the use of an FTP client.

If you wish to install the Magento from your main domain (Web site), then you ought to extract out the stuff of the installation package into the folder of public_html. In case you wish to have a subfolder, for instance: ,then extract all the stuff/content into public_html/store/.

When you are done with the uploading of the installation package, it can be extracted via the cPanel -> File Manager.

Step 3: Make a Database of MySQL for Magento to Utilize

Make a database of MySQL and consign a user via cPanel -> MySQL Databases. Keep in mind the subtle elements of the database, as you will require them when installing the script.

Step 4: Go through the Process of the Installation of Magento

We will show an illustration in which we install Magento into the folder of public_html/store. When you are done with the uploading of the package and extracting, you have also made a database of MySQL. Now navigate to :

Now the next task is to enter the details of the database: Name of the database, the user name, and the user password. You could leave alternate choices in place. Make sure to mark a check on option”Skip Base URL validation before next step.” At that point, tap the Continue button to go on.

As of right now you ought to put the personal data and the details of the administrator login that you need to utilize. You may leave the field of Encryption Key unfilled, the script would produce the one by itself. Yet again, tap the Continue button.

Now you have to write the encryption key as it will be utilized by Magento to encrypt the passwords, debit cards, and private data.

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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