Former Home Depot Employee Says He Was Fired Because He Needed Surgery – Info HR

by Evil HR Lady on July 21, 2018

Roy Hall claims, in his viral Facebook video, that after notifying The Home Depot that he would be having , they fired him to avoid paying out short and long-term disability claims.

Hall says that after five years at the St. Petersburg, Florida, Home Depot, he had plenty of vacation and sick days saved up, as well as short-term and long-term disability plans, and he intended to have hip surgery. He had the surgery for a long time, but his doctor required him to lose weight first. Once he had done that, he informed his management and started the paperwork.

He had the paperwork filled out by his doctor, and on 22 June, 30 days before his scheduled surgery, they terminated him for “not writing up [an] associate].” Hall doesn’t elaborate on what that exactly means, and he states clearly that he believes he was fired to prevent him from using his benefits.

To keep reading and see the video, click here: Former Home Depot Employee Says He Was Fired Because He Needed Surgery

Article Prepared by Ollala Corp

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