5 Yoga Poses For Office Workers

Any kind of workout is important to engage with, especially people who are in a desk-bound job. We have heard people saying that desk job is quite easy. A person has to sit whole day to do his work. But in contrary, desk job comes with a lot of health issues and can be very discomforting. It is proven in many studies that sitting for more than seven hours takes a toll on the health and can lead to many life-threatening diseases including weight gain, weakening spine, and several cardiovascular diseases.
The life of office workers is full of mental and physical stress and stress leads to many issues. Exercising is required to stay fit, but due to a lack of time, many of us indulge in less to zero physical activity. To unravel the problem, the concept of office yoga or corporate yoga has sprung up, especially in the metropolis. And to make things more convenient, there are many yoga studios who introduce weekend special Yoga classes for office workers.
Here are five asanas that office workers can try to stay healthy, fit, and happy:
Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
The asana can be performed both while sitting and standing. It stretches the upper back, shoulders, and tones the arms.
- Stand straight in Tadasana pose. Now, slightly bend your knees and then lift the right leg while balancing the body on the left leg.
- Now place the right leg over the left thigh, wrap the shin of the right leg over the left calf, and let the upper area of left foot rest on the calf.
- Balance the body on the left leg, and then raise your arms in front that elbows are parallel to each other.
- Now wrap the right forearm around the left forearm as you did with the legs. Let your right fingers rest on the left palm.
- Keep the back straight, focus the gaze straight at a fixed point, and hold the pose for 20 seconds.
- Release, return to the starting point and repeat the same by interchanging the positions of arms and legs.
Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Variation)
A great asana that opens up the whole body, gives a great stretch to your back and hip muscles, improves body balance, and concentration, and builds self-awareness.
- Sit on the floor on your knees with an erect spine. Now bend your right knee forward and stretch back the left leg.
- Lift your torso and raise your arms up above your head, and join both your hands in a prayer pose.
- Stretch your arms and shoulders behind, and give your back a mild backbend.
- Stretch as much as you can without putting stress on your back and neck. Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-legged forward bend)
Prasarita Padottanasana stretches and strengthens the spine, legs, and back. It calms the brain, improves digestion, and relieves stress, mild depression, fatigue, headache, and backache.
- Start with being in Tadasana pose. Now, move your feet about one leg-length apart.
- Your legs should form an inverted-V. Now place your hands on your hips. Inhale and raise your arms up over the head. Stay in the pose for few seconds.
- As you exhale, bend your torso from the hips and touch the floor with your hands.
- Hold the pose for few seconds and repeat the process for a minute or two.
Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse warrior pose)
The asana involves a lot of body parts, movements, and works on balancing and aligning the body. The pose makes you more mindful, ignites awareness, and gives a great stretch to the whole body.
- Start with being in a Warrior II pose with the left knee bent. Turn the left-hand towards the ceiling.
- Now inhale and lift the left hand upward, and at the same time, lower the right hand and slide it down towards the right leg and put it on the calf.
- Now move the left arm towards the back, giving a mild backbend without straining the lower back.
- Fix your gaze towards the left hand. Hold the pose for 20 seconds, release the pose, return to the starting point, and repeat the same on the other side.
Kati Chakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist)
The pose is amazing and easy. It gives a nice stretch to your waist, relieves stress from the shoulders and neck, and cures constipation.
- Stand straight on the floor with your feet together and arms stretched in front, parallel to the floor.
- Your palms should face each other. Do not join your arms and keep it shoulder-distance apart.
- Now, move your waist to the left with the head, keeping your feet stationary.
- Hold the pose for a few seconds and do the same on the other side. Repeat it for a minute or two.
Remain in Savasana for 2-5 minutes to complete the session.
Amidst the hectic life of the office goers, yoga is a breeze of fresh air. Practice it for a robust personal and professional health.